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2018-04-23 09:51:17 山西银行招聘考试网 //sx.huatu.com/jinrong/ 文章来源:互联网


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  Passage 4

  When Tina Nicolai began working as a recruiter for Walt Disney World in the late 1990s, she noticed that many job seekers were submitting flawed resumes. “I realized people simply did not know how to make themselves on their achievements. Nicolai tells Business Insider. “And that‟s how I knew there was a market to educate job candidates as levels and in all industries.

  In 2010 she founded Resume Writers‟ Ink. Since launching my company, I „ve read over 40000 resumes,” she says “And this is what most people get wrong: They think a buffet resume is the best way to go.” Nicolai says a buffet resume is one that has too much going on… one that offers too much information.

  “My clients often think a resume that is smorgasbord is best because it demonstrates the bandwidth of skills, experiences and achievements that they have in their repertoire of success,” she says. “But this is a recipe for getting overlooked.”

  Nicolai says hiring managers do not have time to sift through you resume, picking out what is directly related to the job opening. “A resume is like a wardrobe. Just because a person has everything from casual to formal doesn‟t mean they wear all of those pieces together,” she explains. We dress according to where we‟re going, the activity we‟re doing, and the climate---but don‟t wear it all at once.

  Only include information that‟s relevant to the job you‟re applying for. And yes, that means you need to tailor your resume for each job application. Don‟t be lazy!

  66. The word “repertoire” in paragraph 3 is closet in meaning to ( ).

  A. selection

  B. collection

  C. variety

  D. repetition

  67. According to the passage, what is a smorgasbord resume?

  A. A resume that has a special focus.

  B. A resume that contains everything.

  C. A resume that impresses all.

  D. A resume that is fancy-looking.

  68. What does Tina Nicolai mean when she said “this is a recipe for getting overlooked” in paragraph 3?

  A. Putting too much information in the resume distracts the reader‟s attention.

  B. One needs to add more information to the resume.

  C. The details in the resume could be easily overlooked because of the arrangement.

  D. The resume needs to be more eye-catching.

  69. Which of the following is recommended according to the passage?

  A. Making the resume like a wardrobe.

  B. Offering as much information in the resume as possible.

  C. Tailoring the resume for each application.

  D. Putting all of one‟s achievements in the resume.

  70. If you applying for a sales manager, which of the following should NOT be included in your resume according to the passage?

  A. Award of the best debater.

  B. Experience as a group leader.

  C. Intern as a sales assistant.

  D. Demonstrated sale results.

  Passage 5

  What’s New in Vancouver this week?

  Vancouver‟s Samburg Museum will feature a special exhibit of oil paintings be internationally acclaimed Swedish painter Oskar Hakala. Hakala, whose early work featured large-scale, scenic renderings of Swedish beaches, completed work last year on a collection entitled “Mind‟s Eye” that features uncharacteristic small canvases. Nature is still a theme, but words in “Mind‟s Eye” take on that subject on a much smaller scale. The curve of a single stone, the algae collected in a battered piece of driftwood, or the ripples on a section of sand after a wave. Hakala says that his departure from larger works is a natural progression: “My recent work is not just about being an observer of nature. Instead, I want to show how we are all a small part of it”.

  The exhibit runs from August 12-22 in the Samburg Museum‟s North Gallery, 432 Caroline Avenue, Vancouver. Tickets are $10.00. Complimentary tickets are available to museum members. Call the museum at 604-555-0112 for more details.

  BC Arts Focus August 15

  Hakala‟s Latest Efforts Uninspired

  The Oskar Hakala is a masterful painter is undeniable. I have spent many enjoyable hours studying his early work. Those paintings have a life of their own, and evolve into something new each time I see them. But with “Mind‟s Eye”. Hakala misses the mark. His characteristic wide, sure strokes of the brush are missing. The new woks have a much lighter touch, giving the impression that he is not sure of himself as he ventures into new territory. More troubling is that this collection of work shows almost no difference in terms of theme from Anna Vestrom‟s paintings. Vestrom depicts the small elements in nature, but in a much truer fashion than Hakala does in his recent work. As a great fan of Hakala, I can only hope to see something bolder.

  71. What is indicated about Oskar Hakala‟s recent work?

  A. It‟s quite different from his other paintings.

  B. It incorporates several types of paint.

  C. It shows scenic views of Vancouver.

  D. It took one year to complete.

  72. What is mentioned about tickets to the exhibit?

  A. They can be purchased online.

  B. They are less expensive when purchased in advance.

  C. They go on sale August 15.

  D. They are free for museum members.

  73. What is the purpose of the second article?

  A. To note that a popular exhibit is closing.

  B. To analyze the use of light in modern art.

  C. To give an opinion about the work of an artist.

  D. To encourage the readers to attend a workshop given by an artist.

  74. What is implied about Soren Lindgren?

  A. He has studied large-scale paintings by Oskar Hakala.

  B. He dislikes Oskar Hakala‟s the early paintings.

  C. He works for the Samburg Museum.

  D. He paints in a style similar to Oskar Hakala‟s.

  75. What is suggested about Anna Vestrom‟s work?

  A. It is painted on large canvases.

  B. It shows details from nature.

  C. It is currently on display at the Samburg Museum.

  D. It has received praise from critics all over the world.

  66【答案】B。含义题。第三段首句写到“我的客户总是认为简历越详尽越好,因为详尽的简历会展现他们在日常成功中所储备的丰富技巧、经验和成果”。B 正确。

  67. 【答案】B。细节题。关键词 smorgasbord resume 定位至第三段,阅读可知它是一份含有详尽信息的简历。B 正确。

  68. 【答案】A。细节题。通过句子定位,可知对于这样一份详尽的简历,招聘人没有时间去仔细阅读,而是仅仅挑出与岗位工作的信息进行阅读。

  69【. 答案】C。是非题。…that means you need to tailor your resume for each job application.

  最后一段讲的就是对简历的量身打造。C 选项正确。

  70. 【答案】A。是非题。根据第 68 题的定位信息可知,简历里应该只包含和工作有关的信息。A 选项不应该包含在里面。

  71. 【答案】A。细节题。关键词Oskar Hakala 定位至第一段第一句。可知他的最近的作品是 mind‟s eye,与文中所描述的他的 early work 相比特点是不一样的。选项A 正确。

  72. 【答案】D。细节题。关键词 tickets to the exhibit 定位至第二段倒数第二句,从


  73. 【答案】C。主旨题。根据问题,关键词定位至第二篇文章。从第四句的but 可知是对“mind‟s eye”作品提出了自己的意见。选项C 正确。

  74【. 答案】A。是非题。人名定位 I have spent many enjoyable hours studying his early work.

  可知A 选项正确。

  75. 【答案】B。细节题。关键词 Anna Vestrom‟s work 定位至第二篇文章倒数第二句, 可知她的作品描述的是自然的小元素。选项B 是用 details 同义替换 small elements.






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