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Interpretation---- “Talk about Weather”.

2016-05-13 14:24:41 山西教师招聘考试网 //sx.huatu.com/jiaoshi/ 文章来源:互联网


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  Good morning! Judges! I’m the NO.5 candidate applying for primary school English teacher. Today my topic is “Talk about Weather”.

  In order to clearly present my lesson, I’ll express my thoughts in the following six parts: (analysis of the teaching material,analysis of the students, teaching Methods,learning methods, teaching Procedures and blackboard Design.)

  Part 1. Analysis of Teaching Material:

  Today’s lesson is from Unit 3,Book 4, published by people’s Education Press (PEP). Its main theme is how to describe the weather, which is a practical topic for Ss.

  Ss can be benefited from the lesson, because they could use some useful vocabularies and sentences through the learning , as we can see in the following three teaching aims.

  First of all ,Knowledge & skill aim:

  Ss can grasp some words such as : cold,hot, etc. And some useful phrases like “go outside,have soup ”, then Ss can talk with the two sentence patterns.: Can I ... ? yes you can/ no you can’t It’s...

  Next, Process & method aim:

  Improve Ss' ability of asking and describing weather in English .

  Finally, emotional,attitude and value aim:

  This lesson will help Ss Learn to observe the weather .

  Based on Ss’ cognitive level, I list the teaching key points and difficult points as follows:

  The key points of this lesson are that they will be able to learn the words and sentence patterns. While the difficult points of this lesson are to help Ss used sentence properly and express their need of describing weather in their daily life.

  Part 2 analysis of the students

  Students in primary school have a appetite for English learning and love to express themselves, therefore I will design some tasks to help the students learn. For instance, in order to improve the students’ oral English,I will give them more chances to practice and use some team works to let the students take an active part in all kinds of activities.

  Part 3,Teaching Methods

  I will adopt TPR Method and TBLT approach that is Task-Based Language Teaching. Apart from my teaching approaches, Ss learning method should also be used effectively, which are cooperation and role plays.

  Based on it, my teaching procedures will be divided into 6 steps which are lead-in, presentation, practice, consolidation, summary and homework.

  Now let’s come to the Step 1 Lead-in:

  At the beginning of my class, I will show some pictures about some persons who wear thick clothes or shorts.And play a song named“ weather”, then I ask them “What’s the weather like? Please guess depend on their clothes”And how many kinds of weathers they listen from the song.It aims to motivate Ss’ interests and build a bridge to the second step.

  Step 2 Presentation

  Firstly, I use PPT to show some pictures about the weather and introduce Mike to Ss .And do the actions such as “open a door and go outside ,have soup ”then let Ss to guess the meaning about the phrase.

  Secondly,students will watch a video about Mike.Then ask Ss “I’m Mike can I go outside now ?” “No,why? It’s cold outside”.Then listen to the records about the sentence patterns a second time ,to learn the new words and sentence.

  Like “can I borrow your pen? Yes, you can.”

  This part can help Ss to break through the difficult points, namely solving the students’ difficulty in some words’ pronunciation such as quiet.

  Step 3: Practice:

  In order to make the students grasp the key vocabulary and sentence patterns in this lesson, I design the following 2 activities:

  Activity 1: Work in pair

  Show some weather cards like rainy,sunshine and so on ,then send those cards to the students.Two Ss in a group,one ask and one answer.like “can I go outside? Yes you can/NO you can’t”.Each students should ask twice.

  Activity2: say what one doesn’t think

  Divide Ss into 10 groups.One do the actions and ask “can I..?”the other Ss should answer “Yes, you can or No, you can’t”.

  Let Ss to say what they want to eat and ask their partner “can I have some ...?”

  The purpose is to help Ss grasp the words and sentence structures .

  Step 4 Consolidation:

  In this step, I design a chant.Let Ss to read it with a silver voice and deep feeling .After that,invited some Ss to show it.

  This part is aim to consolidate the knowledge what have learned before and to improve the students’ communicative and cooperative skills .

  Step 5 Summary:

  Students summarize the key vocabulary and sentence patterns what they have learned in this lesson. Then teacher makes supplements.

  Step 6 Homework:

  Present this chant to their parents and prepare a show about introduce the weather then present next class.

  Finally, I will talk about my blackboard design. To grasp the main idea of reading, I have written the key words, phrases, on the blackboard.


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